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Chronic Pain Pack -1 Month Supply with FREE shipping (Sentra AM, Sentra PM and Theramine 120)

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Product Description

Chronic pain can lead to other health problems, such as fatigue, sleep disturbance, decreased appetite, and mood changes. These are often referred to as co-morbidities and can feed the cycle of chronic pain, helping to prolong the condition and complicate treatments. The Chronic Pain Pack is designed to address the unique dietary needs of chronic pain, sleep disorders and fatigue helping provide the nervous system with the amino acids and neurotransmitters required for balanced function.  

Theramine® is a specially formulated Medical Food intended for the dietary management of the altered metabolic processes associated with pain syndromes and inflammatory conditions. 

Sentra PM® is a specially formulated Medical Food intended for the dietary management of the altered metabolic processes of sleep disorders (SD).

Sentra AM® is a specially formulated Medical Food product intended for the dietary management of the altered metabolic processes associated with fatigue and cognitive disorders.

Other Details

Non-addictive, amino acid based medication supported by multiple clinical studies. Improves the time it takes to fall asleep as well as the duration and quality of sleep.
Sleep Disorders Associated With:
Depression, Fibromyalgia, PTSD and Pain Syndromes

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