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Intermittent Fasting + AppTrim = Weight Loss
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onPeriodic Fasting Aids Weight Loss, Improves Health
A recent study suggests that eating within a daily 10-hour window can help you lose weight and can even improve heart health in women at risk for cardiovascular disease.
"There has been a lot of discussion about intermittent fasting and what time window people should eat within to get the benefits of this kind of diet," co-corresponding author Satchidananda Panda, PhD, said in a regards to the study.
"Based on what we've observed...a 10-hour time window seems to convey these benefits. At the same time, it's not so restrictive that people can't follow it long-term," added Panda, the author of the book The Circadian Code.
The study was published online December 5 in Cell Metabolism by Michael J. Wilkinson, MD, of the University of California, San Diego, and colleagues.
After 12 Weeks Participants Lost 3% Body Weight
19 women diagnosed with obesity were instructed to restrict food consumption to 10 hours a day for 12 weeks, creating a 14-hour fast each night.
Participants were not required to reduce the amount they ate, or alter their diet in any way within the 10 hour eating window.
"Participants used a validated app — myCircadianClock (mCC) — to log their caloric intake during the 2-week baseline and 12-week intervention periods," they explain.
Over the 12 weeks of the study, participants lost 7 pounds or approximately 3% of their body weight, relative to their weight at the start of the project.
Other Health Indicators Improved
The intermittent eating strategy also had a number of positive effects on important health factors.
For example, there were noticeable reductions in various forms of cholesterol throughout the body.
There were also significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and among those with elevated fasting glucose levels at baseline, there was a significant reduction in A1c.
Participants Believe This Method Easier Than Others
Researches also believe, based on previous studies, that irregular meal timing can negatively affect your overall health.
"Both erratic eating patterns and eating over an extended period of time during the 24-hour day can [also] disrupt circadian rhythms," they explain.
As it turns out, intermittent fasting induces and maintains a consistent feeding and fasting cycle that supports strong sleep cycle.
It has been proven that regular disruption of the sleep cycle increases the risk of weight gain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and pre-diabetes.
Furthermore, approximately 70% of the group also reported that they were more satisfied with the amount they slept.
Participants also told investigators that they found this method of weight loss easier to manage than counting calories or trying to exercise regularly.
"The high level of adherence to time-restricted eating in our study, no reported adverse effects, and low dropout rate suggest that a self-selected 10-hour window for time-restricted eating may be feasible for patients with metabolic syndrome to adhere to over a longer period of time," the investigators conclude.
How Apptrim Can Help
Apptrim is designed to improve brain and stomach communication safely. After years of irregular eating, your nervous system can fail to send messages of "fullness" causing you to overeat often.
By taking AppTrim 30 minutes before major meals, you will feel full faster for longer! Intermittent fasting works great, but sticking to any new weight loss program can be tough.
AppTrim will keep you in control so that you can stick to eating within your 10 hour window daily with less cravings!
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